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Jodie Brookes RN

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A registered nurse with over 20 years’ experience, Jodie specialises in industrial disease, palliative care & loss of services.


Jodie’s early career was spent managing residential care and nursing facilities in the private sector, specialising in palliative care, and managing a team of around 80 staff including RGNs/RMNs and physiotherapists.


For the last 9 years, as well as providing expert nursing reports, Jodie has worked as a cancer nurse providing palliative care in the community, and head of nursing services for a hospice at home charity.


These roles have enabled Jodie to remain actively involved in provision of palliative care for those with a terminal illness who wish to die at home.


Assessing the care and nursing needs of others has been an integral and essential part of Jodie’s 20 years as a nurse and she has provided case management for clients with brain injury and mesothelioma.


Jodie has also co-authored an academic paper published by the Nursing Times and spoken at the Annual Dementia Summit for GPs on the subject of dementia care.


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